vineri, 15 noiembrie 2013

Google... si restul lumii

Google won a huge victory on Thursday when District Court Judge Denny Chin ruled that Google’s massive book-scanning project, Google Books, was protected by the doctrine of “fair use” against charges of copyright infringement. [...] Viewed in isolation, there is probably little reason to be alarmed about Google’s crushing victory over the Authors Guild. But viewed in the context of other recent news developments relating to Google, there is definitely cause for some concern. Because Google isn’t blowing smoke with its organize-all-the-information manifest destiny. The company continues to make major moves aimed at consolidating access to all of our data, and it is ruffling some serious feathers in the process. This week, authors went down in defeat. Last week, it was the freedom-loving YouTube masses. Next week? Advertisers? ( 
Despre cum usor dar sigur Google devine o companie si mai mare, si mai puternica!

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