You don't have to do it right, you just have to do something →
" When we are presented with moments of crisis, large decisions or new opportunities often we find ourselves crippled by the lack of knowledge. We justify inaction with our insecurities in not knowing the right way to move forward. Or we trap ourselves in an endless search for knowledge to attempt to reassure our actions.
Over the course of my career and journey as an entrepreneur, I have learned that success and fulfillment is found when we push ourselves beyond our comfort zone. There is tremendous value in having knowledge ahead of time—I am now CPR certified—but simply taking action is often what it takes. "
Fa Ceva! Indiferent cat de pregatit sau cat de multe obstacole poti intampina pe parcurs - daca esti destul de motivat si crezi in ceea ce vrei sa faci - nimic nu e imposibil.
Iesi din zona de confort si fa ceva! Asta e sfatul pe care l-am intalnit cel mai des pana acum - in special cand vine vorba de antreprenoriat si tech.