Why Silicon Valley Funds Instagrams, Not Hyperloops→
O intrebare foarte buna. Citesc din ce in ce mai multe stiri despre cum startupuri gen Snapchat sau mai stiu eu ce "Instagram with a twist" primessc finantare de sute de milioane de dolari, insa foarte putine sunt cele care chiar vin cu ceva util sau inovativ.
Avem nevoie si de Instagrame si de Snapchat-uri si de Facebook-uri insa evolutie nu inseamna inca un filtru pus pe o poza.
vineri, 15 noiembrie 2013
Google... si restul lumii
Google won a huge victory on Thursday when District Court Judge Denny Chin ruled that Google’s massive book-scanning project, Google Books, was protected by the doctrine of “fair use” against charges of copyright infringement. [...] Viewed in isolation, there is probably little reason to be alarmed about Google’s crushing victory over the Authors Guild. But viewed in the context of other recent news developments relating to Google, there is definitely cause for some concern. Because Google isn’t blowing smoke with its organize-all-the-information manifest destiny. The company continues to make major moves aimed at consolidating access to all of our data, and it is ruffling some serious feathers in the process. This week, authors went down in defeat. Last week, it was the freedom-loving YouTube masses. Next week? Advertisers? (Salon.com)Despre cum usor dar sigur Google devine o companie si mai mare, si mai puternica!
joi, 14 noiembrie 2013
Snapchat refuza oferta de 3 miliarde din partea Facebook
Mobile messaging startup Snapchat rejected an acquisition offer from Facebook Inc that would have valued the company at $3 billion or more, according to a Wall Street Journal report on Wednesday.
The report of Facebook's interest in Snapchat comes a couple of weeks after Facebook, the world's No. 1 Internet social network, acknowledged that it was seeing a decline in daily use by young teenagers in the U.S., although it said overall use by teenagers was stable.Se pare ca Facebook resimte foarte puternic declinul in randul tinerilor ce folosesc din ce in ce mai putin reteaua de socializare de vreme ce este Zuckerberg este dispus sa plateasca o asemenea suma pentru o aplicatie ce face ... nimic.
vineri, 8 noiembrie 2013
XBox One ArsTechnica review
The most notable thing about my hour-or-so hands-on demo was how little I actually used a handheld controller. Practically every feature described in this piece was activated by saying "Xbox" followed by a simple command. Yes, a similar feature is already available to anyone with a current-generation Kinect hooked up to their Xbox 360, but it's clear that voice controls are much more fully integrated into the Xbox One interface.
Aside from voice, the most significant system-level feature enabled by the Kinect is the ability of the Xbox One to log a user in automatically based only on their visuals. The first time you set up the system, it takes you through a 30-second process where you log in to your Microsoft account. Kinect then builds a personal profile it will associate with that account based on facial recognition but also the camera's basic skeletal model of your body. This process forms a unique biometric ID that the Kinect uses to automatically identify a user, logging them in to Xbox Live and bringing up a personalized menu that includes their recent apps and favorite items.Noul XBox One pare sa fie cea mai buna consola de jocuri la ora actuala. (Full review →)
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