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joi, 14 noiembrie 2013

Snapchat refuza oferta de 3 miliarde din partea Facebook

Mobile messaging startup Snapchat rejected an acquisition offer from Facebook Inc that would have valued the company at $3 billion or more, according to a Wall Street Journal report on Wednesday.
The report of Facebook's interest in Snapchat comes a couple of weeks after Facebook, the world's No. 1 Internet social network, acknowledged that it was seeing a decline in daily use by young teenagers in the U.S., although it said overall use by teenagers was stable. 
Se pare ca Facebook resimte foarte puternic declinul in randul tinerilor ce folosesc din ce in ce mai putin reteaua de socializare de vreme ce este Zuckerberg este dispus sa plateasca o asemenea suma pentru o aplicatie ce face ... nimic.

marți, 26 martie 2013

Despre startup-uri, faima si bani

Nick D'Aloisio este un tanar care la varsta de 15 ani a creat o aplicatie - Summly - ce creaza rezumate a stirilor pe care vrei sa le citesti, a primit finantare de la oameni precum Ashton Kutcher sau Wendi Murdoch, iar azi - la varsta de 17 ani - si-a vandut compania pentru cateva zeci de milioane de dolari catre Yahoo.

Desi astfel de povesti pot inspira tinerii antreprenori de pretutindeni - tind sa dau dreptate  unui comentariu de pe HN:
jaysonelliot 7 hours ago | link

While stories like his are interesting novelties, I feel like they are distracting and counterproductive to the startup scene at large.

Instead of focusing on what Nick D’Aloisio has actually created, perhaps looking at this "algorithmic invention, which takes long-form stories and shortens them for readers using smartphones" and digging into what makes it special, the story is all about the jackpot of millions he's lucked into.
I'd love to know more about the technical details behind Summly, or what Nick went through to create it.
This kind of lottery mentality just gives the general public the impression that there's a gold rush going on, and causes the kind of magical thinking that's similar to teenagers all hoping to become the next rock star or sports legend, or in this case, startup founder, that will make millions, focusing on the money instead of asking themselves what they want to do with their lives.
For every teenage millionaire that hits the startup jackpot, there are thousands of hard-working entrepreneurs that build for the love of building. I'm not saying Nick D'Aloisio isn't doing what he does out of genuine passion - I don't know anything about him, I expect he's very driven and geniune - but I would rather focus on the work than the jackpot.
Este important sa vedem si astfel de povesti de succes - insa cred ca este la fel de important sa aflam si despre problemele pe care le-au intampinat si modul in care au trecut peste ele.

vineri, 4 ianuarie 2013

Cum se numeste asta?

Azi pe gasesc articolul asta: ma duce pe

...unde gasesc un link ce ma retrimite pe catre articolul propriu-zis.

Cateva intrebari (retorice):
1. Ce naiba cauta un articol despre Facebook si Zuckerberg pe
2. De ce - de pe prima pagina trebuie sa ma duc pe ca sa pot accesa articolul de pe ...
3. Cum se numeste toata chestia asta?