Iar ca sa ne dam seama de marimea business-ului Amazon - numai warehouse-ul din Pheonix, Arizona se intinde pe o suprafata de cca. 140.000 metri patrati.
Warehouse-ul Amazon.com din Pheonix, Arizona |
Warehouse-ul Amazon.com din Pheonix, Arizona |
Google proved this model with Adsense. With an already huge base of advertisers bidding on CPCs, it is impossible for most other ad networks to compete on publisher payouts. But Facebook’s traffic is so great now that an external ad network might increase their revenues by 2x or so. (via: ChrisDixon.org)
Fa Ceva! Indiferent cat de pregatit sau cat de multe obstacole poti intampina pe parcurs - daca esti destul de motivat si crezi in ceea ce vrei sa faci - nimic nu e imposibil." When we are presented with moments of crisis, large decisions or new opportunities often we find ourselves crippled by the lack of knowledge. We justify inaction with our insecurities in not knowing the right way to move forward. Or we trap ourselves in an endless search for knowledge to attempt to reassure our actions.Over the course of my career and journey as an entrepreneur, I have learned that success and fulfillment is found when we push ourselves beyond our comfort zone. There is tremendous value in having knowledge ahead of time—I am now CPR certified—but simply taking action is often what it takes. "
Alex Brie vorbeste putin despre noul sau iPad Mini si ne da cateva motive (in plus) sa-l cumparam.The iPad mini is the best looking one, the lightest and the cutest. People tell you it’s light but you really can’t imagine how light it is until you hold it. 308 grams, almost double of the Kindle or the iPhone, but because it’s so slim and with a larger surface it feels considerably lighter. Mine is the white model, which makes it feel even more weightless.The form factor is great. I loved the comfort of holding the Playbook in one hand, and the Mini takes this to the next level. First of all, because Mini feels, like I said, weightless. Then, because Mini is almost entirely screen – the slim slide bezels make it more immersive – it doesn’t feel like holding a Tablet, the way I did with the Playbook, but rather like a Kindle – you get immersed in the content, instead of feeling the object around it.
Despite the rumors of hordes of hip programmers starting million-dollar businesses from their kitchen tables, only a small minority of developers actually make a living by creating their own apps, according to surveys and experts.Un articol foarte bun pe NYTimes.com despre aceasta intreaga industrie a aplicatiilor mobile (iOS, Android sau mai nou Wp7 / WP8 ) aparuta practic peste noapte.
Piața electronicelor și electrocasnicelor din România a scăzut ușor în al treilea trimestru din 2012 față de anul trecut, însumând 337 de milioane de euro, cu 1,3% mai puțin față de perioada iulie-septembrie 2011.
Au crescut vânzările de telefoane mobile, de televizoare, dar camerele foto nu se simt prea bine.